7 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Health

1. Stop Drinking So Much Coffee

I know, the caffeine rush is addictive…but, the post coffee “crash” is sooo bad. Plus, it dehydrates your body and the acidity level makes it very hard on your stomach.

If you must have coffee to help you “wake up”…try drinking only one 12oz cup per day.

2. Drink 6 Glasses of Water – 10oz Each

Hydration affects every aspect of physical and mental performance…it’s not the only major performance factor, but it’s definitely one of the biggest.

Greater fresh water consumption aids the body in: muscular strength/endurance, blood circulation, digestion, ridding your body of toxins by cleansing the liver, hydrating your skin for a healthy glow and strengthens bones and joints.

People are amazed how they feel after drinking only water (no coffee, soda or juice) for an entire day…I guarantee you’ll feel stronger and more alert.

3. Take a 30 minute walk outside during your lunch break

Sitting in a office chair all day without proper exercise will lead to a number of problems including: poor circulation, weight gain, stiff joints/back, bad posture, pressure headaches, etc.

So, on your lunch break go for a 30 minute walk…it’ll help you: burn some calories, loosen your muscles and joints, relieve your lower back, clear your mind, plus the fresh air and sunshine will do you a world of good.

4. Do a few simple stretches right before bed to help relax your body and help you sleep

Do these simple stretches before you get into bed…they will help you to completely relax, as well as provide much needed flexibility and greater range of motion for your body:

Lat Stretch

1. Stand with your feet together and raise both arms above your head.

2. Interlace your fingers so that your hands are now connected, still raised above your head.

3. Now, with the hands still connected above your head, lean to your right side.

You should feel a nice stretch from your left elbow all the way down the left side of your back (your left latissimus). Hold for 5 breaths, breathing in and exhaling deeply through your nose. Try to go deeper into the stretch with each exhale. Then, repeat on the other side.

 Standing Forward Bend

1. Stand up straight, with your feet pointed at 12 o’clock

2. Slightly bend your knees and raise your arms over your head

3. Then bend forward and touch your toes, keeping your head down

You should feel a nice release in your lower back. Hold for 5 breaths, breathing in and exhaling deeply through your nose. Try to go deeper into the forward bend with each exhale.

*if you cant reach your toes, then: A. bend your knees more or, B. pass a strap under the ball of each foot and hold the straps

 Hip Flexor Stretch

1. Face your bed, standing about 2 feet in front of it

2. Place 1 foot onto the top of the mattress, with the bottom of your foot planted down on the mattress

3. Place both hands on top of the leg that is knee that is raised on the mattress

3. Slowly lunge your raised knee forward, however keep a little space between your torso and the lunging knee

You should feel a nice stretch in the hip flexor of your standing leg. Hold for 5 breaths, breathing in and exhaling deeply through your nose. Try to go deeper into the forward bend with each exhale. Then, repeat on the other side.

Hamstring Stretch

1. Stand with your legs hip width apart (6 inches or 2 fist lengths apart).

2. Slightly bend your right knee, and keep your left leg straight

3. Now bend forward and touch your toes, keeping the right knee bent and left leg straight.

You should feel a nice stretch in your left hamstring (the back of thigh), from your buttocks to the back of your knee. Hold for 5 breaths, breathing in and exhaling deeply through your nose. Try to go deeper into the forward fold with each exhale. Then, repeat on the other side.

Then, when you wake up the next morning… try these 5 morning stretches you can do in bed!!

5. Shut off phone, TV and computer 1 hr before bed

Rest and relaxation is a big part of the overall health and wellness…you need to rest both your body and your mind. So, 1 hr before bed shut off all electronics and just relax with a book, warm shower and some light stretches.

6. Make my Fountain of Youth Water and then drink the whole pitcher

Make my Fountain of Youth Water in the evening, let sit over night, then drink the entire pitcher the next day. It tastes great and helps to lightly detox the body…you’ll feel amazing!

Click here for the recipe

7. Eat a large green salad

By green, I mean a salad made of 2 big fist fulls of kale or spinach and/or arugla (or, any other dark leafy green besides Iceberg Lettuce)..mix in a tomato, fresh beets, onion, radish and cucumber and you have a good portion of your daily needed nutrients. The nutrients in the leafy greens are filled with vitamin K, C and A, as well as fiber, iron and manganese.

Also, HOLD the Ranch dressing…try olive oil, lemon, kosher salt and pepper.

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Categories: Nutrition