If you exercise but don't eat right, it will not yield the results you desire. However, properly balanced and healthy eating habits combined with effective fitness training can positively transform your body, overall health and physical performance, creating real lifestyle changes you can enjoy forever.

I believe that as a fitness professional in the forefront of the health field, it is important to practice what I preach, and I strive to educate each client on the importance of consuming truly whole foods. I encourage consuming a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, balancing meals with both macro- and micro-nutrients, and adequately hydrating on a daily basis.

I also endorse the health benefits of a plant-based diet, as long as there is the right balance of macronutrients for an individual's needs. Whether or not you have particular nutritional requirements or dietary restrictions (ie: vegan, vegetarian, lactose intolerant, gluten free, etc.),  

I consider your unique preference, goals and situation, then identify your needs and help you discover the most enjoyable, nutritious, and healthful foods for your body.

Stand-Alone Nutrition Consulting

The typical diet in the United States is so unhealthy, many people can actually see noticeable healthy benefits simply by changing their nutrition in relatively small ways. We hear success stories every day, from people who have made simple adjustments to the way they eat. But it can be hard to know where to start, or what small changes will have the biggest impact. That is exactly where I can help!


I offer 3 nutrition consulting packages, each is custom tailored to you and include ample one-one-one coaching time with me each month.

Option 1

An assessment of your current eating habits
1 grocery trip or 1 kitchen clean out
Meal-planning template

Option 2

An assessment of your current eating habits
1 grocery trip or 1 kitchen clean out
Meal-planning template
The Fit Body Way Nutrition Guide & Lean Eating Cookbook

Option 3

An assessment of your current eating habits
1 grocery trip or 1 kitchen clean out
Meal-planning template
The Fit Body Way Nutrition Guide & Lean Eating Cookbook
1 month access of unlimited nutrition coaching & accountability

*All packages include on-going monthly coaching.

Please contact me for pricing and to discuss which option is the best fit for you. Click Here


My Personal Training Services Include Nutrition Consulting

You cannot out-train a bad diet. Therefore, we will thoroughly discuss your past and current eating habits. Whether your challenge is not having time to cook, or not knowing what to eat.. together we will devise a plan that works best to fit your particular needs. You just can't separate out the fuel you put into your body from your body’s performance. Properly balanced nutrition is the key to a functionally healthy internal system;  the timing of your meals, the combinations of your foods, and the sources of your nutrients play a huge role in determining your success. You’ll walk away from your sessions with a clear, keen understanding of what it means to have real healthy eating habits. 


Let's Start Your Transformation. Click to Setup Your Initial Session with Me 🙂

Contact Patty